After yesterday's unexpected jump in the number of people filing for unemployment for the first time, recession anxieties have started to tick upward again. It's not guaranteed that the United States will in fact enter a recession, but most economists and business executives think it's likely coming either this year or next. And while there's nothing you and I can individually do to prevent a recession from happening, we can prepare our finances in case one comes.
So how financially ready are you for a recession? If you said "not ready at all," you aren't alone. In fact, 44% of U.S. adults said they aren't financially prepared for a recession, according to a new survey from The Balance.
Respondents with incomes of up to $50,000 were more likely to feel unprepared at 36% compared to 14% of those earning more than $75,000. And around four out of 10 adults expect their finances to get worse over the coming year, as inflation continues to hammer our wallets. More than a quarter of those surveyed said they have been "extremely" impacted by inflation, and 92% are cutting back spending thanks to those higher prices.
No matter the amount of income you earn, there are some changes you can make right now to better prepare financially. For example, increasing your emergency savings, paying off debt, and avoiding large purchases that you might not be able to afford later are ways to improve your chances of weathering a recession.
And if you're someone who isn't worried about job security and has money to spare, the stock market isn't necessarily something to avoid. In fact, with the markets down roughly 17% since the beginning of the year, this might be an opportunity for you to "buy the dips."
- Kristin
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