In Case You Missed It
To view this email as a web page, click here. ICYMI: 'Pink Tax' Makes Personal Care Products 13% More Expensive In case you missed it, personal care products that are marketed toward women cost nearly 13% more than ones targeting men. A new study from The Balance shows how much the "pink tax" costs consumers shopping for shampoo, soap, lotion, razors, and more.
The pink tax is a term that refers to the extra price some consumers pay for products that target women, compared to the ones that are marketed to men—despite being the same or substantially similar.
The analysis reviewed the prices of personal care products around the country and found that razor cartridges marketed to women had the biggest markups, costing nearly 25% more than those marketed to men. Deodorant was the second most expensive item analyzed in the study, with a price difference of 12.6%.
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Season 2 of the "Money Confidential" podcast is back with "Taxes in Ten," a six-episode mini-season covering your top tax questions. Host and nationally recognized money expert, Stefanie O'Connell Rodriguez, is teaming up with The Balance's very own Editor-in-Chief, Kristin Myers, as well as Caleb Silver, Editor-in-Chief of Investopedia, to talk about everything from doing your own taxes to the specific tax considerations of different life stages. You can listen now to "Taxes in Ten."
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