There's little worse than an unpleasant surprise during tax season, but you can avoid one or more of them if you have a good idea of your liabilities as you start the new year, and—just as important—if you know the amounts of any tax perks the government is willing to toss your way.
 | | | How 2019 Tax Changes Will Affect You | There's little worse than an unpleasant surprise during tax season, but you can avoid one or more of them if you have a good idea of your liabilities as you start the new year, and—just as important—if you know the amounts of any tax perks the government is willing to toss your way. | | | | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to The Balance Today newsletter. | If you wish to unsubscribe, please click here | A DOTDASH BRAND 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10036 | © 2018 Dotdash - All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. | | | | | |
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