The Dumbest Investments Inexperienced Investors Can Make

From leveraged ETFs to shorting stocks, let's talk about a few of the types of investments, derivatives, securities, and funds that inexperienced or risk-adverse investors should avoid if they want to prevent blowing up their family's balance sheet.

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The Dumbest Investments Inexperienced Investors Can Make

From leveraged ETFs to shorting stocks, let's talk about a few of the types of investments, derivatives, securities, and funds that inexperienced or risk-adverse investors should avoid if they want to prevent blowing up their family's balance sheet.

Joshua Kennon
Investing for Beginners Expert
Leveraged ETFs Can Result In Huge Losses in Short Periods of Time
Designed for professionals, traders, and speculators, leveraged ETFs have found wide market acceptance for the ease at which they allow bets to placed with the underlying results amplified, in some cases by 300%.  However, I've noticed a shocking and ill-advised rise in new, completely inexperienced investors buying them for a portfolio, which is entirely inappropriate and could very well lead to substantial, permanent losses.
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Even If Rates Are Cheap, Don't Buy Stocks on Margin
During periods of record low interest rates, it might be tempting to roll the dice and buy stocks on margin, borrowing money from your broker.  Don't do it.  Here are some of the reasons.
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The Basics of Shorting Stock
When you short a stock, you are betting that the price will decline.  However, unless you take an offsetting position, you expose yourself to potentially unlimited losses which could very well drive you into bankruptcy.
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Over-the-Counter Derivatives
OTC derivatives can be extraordinarily risky if abused.  In other situations, they can lessen risk.  Understanding what they are, and how they work, is important to develop a full picture of the way the financial markets function and interact with the real economy.
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