Investing in Small Businesses

Among the riskiest, and most profitable, investment opportunities is owning a small business.  Though the failure rate is high, those that do work out can often turn relatively small initial stakes into millions of dollars in net worth.  Most of America's largest corporations began as small businesses that grew over time.

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Investing in Small Businesses

Among the riskiest, and most profitable, investment opportunities is owning a small business.  Though the failure rate is high, those that do work out can often turn relatively small initial stakes into millions of dollars in net worth.  Most of America's largest corporations began as small businesses that grew over time.

Joshua Kennon
Investing for Beginners Expert
How to Increase Profits at a Small Business

For millions of Americans, the biggest investment in their portfolio comes in the form of shares, membership units, or limited partnership units of a family-controlled or other small business they rely upon to provide a salary as well as profits.  The fastest way to grow the portfolio in these situations is to grow the profits of the operating company.

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Two Types of Investments You Can Make in a Small Business
There are two primary ways you can invest your money in a small business - equity and debt.  By understanding which is appropriate and worth the risk trade-off for your situation, you can better protect and nurture your portfolio.
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Diversification Risk for Small Business Investors
One common problem faced by investors who are fortunate enough to hold a stake in a small business that does well is the lack of diversification caused by more and more of their money coming from, and tied up within, a single firm.  There are a few ways to mitigate these dangers.
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Business Owners Appear To Be Better Investors
People who own stakes in small businesses tend to be better investors overall when it comes to managing their stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k) plans, IRAs, and other holdings.
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