Fun with Black Friday....

Hi all,

I hope you've mostly recovered from your Thanksgiving turkey and Black Friday shopping hangover!  In the spirit of the latter activity, I figured I would give you an article about the ramifications of staying open on Thanksgiving on the bottom line for retailers.  And just remember- only 25 shopping days until Christmas.  =P


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Fun with Black Friday....

Hi all,

I hope you've mostly recovered from your Thanksgiving turkey and Black Friday shopping hangover!  In the spirit of the latter activity, I figured I would give you an article about the ramifications of staying open on Thanksgiving on the bottom line for retailers.  And just remember- only 25 shopping days until Christmas.  =P


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Jodi Beggs
Economics Expert
Retailers Open on Thanksgiving Experienced Disappointing Sales

Apparently opening early for Black Friday isn't all it's cracked up to be.  So what went wrong with this strategy?

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