| | Asset Allocation Basics for New Investors Asset allocation is the practice of diversifying assets between different asset classes. This article explains the theory behind asset allocation and provides sample allocation models for various life stages including early career and retirement.
| 24 Asset Allocation Model Portfolios and Articles for New Investors Asset allocation is the practice of splitting your portfolio into different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, cash, private businesses, etc. This guide to asset allocation was written for the new investor who wants to learn the basics and see a few sample models.
| 3 Things to Consider When Balancing Your Asset Class Exposure Diversifying your asset class exposure is great but there are three things you probably want to consider before you make a decision between stocks, bonds, cash equivalents, and real estate.
| How I Would Invest If I Couldn't Buy Individual Stocks Investing is really simple, especially if you focus on buying a collection of low-cost index funds or mutual funds from a company such as Vanguard, which operates in a mutual fashion so that the economies of scales flow through in savings to clients, rather than to stockholders of the money management firm. Here are my thoughts on asset allocation for investors who don't want to deal with choosing individual stocks or bonds.
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