About Today: Celebrating High School Graduation

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'Tis the season for diplomas, academic regalia and writing checks for teenagers you barely know ... or, ahem, your precious cherub. Whether you're simply attending graduations and post-ceremony parties or hosting, we've rounded up the best ways to celebrate high school graduates—without totally embarrassing them.

Attending a High School Graduation
It's summertime and you know what that means: graduation season is in full swing. So, it's pretty much guaranteed you'll get an invitation to a graduation or graduation party in the next few weeks. I know it can be difficult to sit through an entire high school graduation—I still feel bad that my family sat through my 3,843,423,782 hour long graduation—but try to pay attention and be a gracious guest. (And if you get painfully bored, here are 15 funny yearbook quotes to keep you awake.)
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Gifts Grads Actually Want
It's important to give high school graduates gifts they actually want because a single slip-up could literally ruin their lives forever. You could always give 'em good, ol' cash, but we encourage you to think beyond the checkbook this year! Prep them for college with the right gear or, if you're feeling crafty, try a DIY gift. And if you're the parent of a high school grad, we implore you: don't forget a gift for your kid's favorite high school teacher. After another year of teaching scores of teenagers, they seriously deserve it.

Throwing a Graduation Party
After four long years of homework, studying and extracurricular activities, your kid has probably earned a little party. Whether you're sticking to a small, family gathering or inviting every single person your kid has ever known, we have tips, tricks and ideas to make your party planning and preparation as stress-free as possible—'cause sending your lil' baby out into the big, adult world is stressful enough, right? So, choose the party's theme, whip up a simple, tasty menu, grab a drink and kick back as the party guests gush over what a wonderful, brilliant child you've raised.

The Summer Between High School and College
From prepping their post-high school resume and landing a part-time job, to planning an awesome gap year, to packing up their stuff for college, there are so many ways for a high school graduate to keep busy during the summer between high school and college, or before they start their first full-time job. And how should parents spend the summer? Learning how to cope with the empty nest blues, of course.

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