|  | From Bob Schulties, your About Today Editor Enough with the TV and the internet browsing. Turn 'em both off and go get some shut-eye. Unless you read this newsletter at night, in which case, five more minutes won't hurt anyone. In fact, you can go to work five minutes late tomorrow. Just tell 'em Bob from the internet said you needed the rest. | | Can You Sleep with Your Eyes Open? If I saw someone sleeping with their eyes wide open, I'd think they'd died, and would back out of the room. Call me callous, but I'm not taking a chance they're about to go all zombie on me. Do you sleep with your eyes open? | Caffeine Is No Substitute for Sleep Well, doctor, I have to disagree. In fact, strike that. All of America has to disagree. Our entire economy is based on everyone getting as little sleep as possible and then compensating with caffeine. We're so dependent on caffeine that the word "giant" wasn't big enough, so we made up new words! I might sound foolish ordering my Double Mocha Whopper Ponderosa, but it gets me through the day. Caffeine is not sleep replacement | How Much Sleep Does Mrs. Bob Need? Well, based on the past few weeks, 13 hours a night. Oh, look, I just got an email from Mrs. Bob. "If you put that in the newsletter, I'll ki..." Huh. She must have sent that email to the wrong person. Five more minutes, Mom! | Ten Ways to Ruin Sleep Oh, just ten? How about these:- Don't feed cat before you go to bed (meows until you feed him).
- Feed cat before you go to bed (barfs from highest spot in house).
- Don't close lid to piano (at 2am, he'll walk across it playing the scariest death song ever).
Ruin your sleep in nearly a dozen ways! | | | | Related Searches | | | | Featured Articles | | | | | | Sign up for more free newsletters on your favorite topics | | | | You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribed to the About.com Today newsletter. If you wish to change your email address or unsubscribe, please click here. About.com respects your privacy: Our Privacy Policy Contact Information: 1500 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY, 10036 © 2012 About.com | | | | | | Follow us on: | | | | Advertisement | |
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