About Today: It's Time for Chocolate

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From Bob Schulties, your About Today Editor
Let me explain something about chocolate: it's all mine. If I can touch it, it's mine. You might have yours until I see it, in which case it becomes mine. I suggest you eat yours now before I see it. Oops, too late. Hand that over.

Devil's Food Cake
Do you remember the Hostess product called Suzy Qs? Small cakes with frosting in the middle? Well, this weekend, I made some Bobby Qs. The devil made me bake it.

How Chocolate Can Benefit Your Health
Best part of this article? I didn't have to make it up! Chocolate might even do the following: 1. Make you want more chocolate. 2. Help you live to 400. 3. Make you regret you lived to 400. Click here to give Bob a raise!

Old-Fashioned Creamy Chocolate Pudding
OK, enough of this health stuff, let's get back to the business of chocolate as good food. I like chocolate pudding. Not only that, but I very much dislike vanilla in pudding form. I'm willing to go so far as to say it should be illegal to make vanilla pudding. In fact, I'll push it through as law since everyone is still recovering from yesterday's inauguration. This chocolate pudding recipe is easy peasy.

Chocolate Brownies
Among my other jobs as cook, dad, doctor, bug squasher and getter-of-things-up-high, I'm also a magician. How so? Well, put a plate of fudgy brownies in front of me and I can make them disappear quicker than you can go to the fridge to get the milk. Brownies, brownies, everywhere. And not a single one for you.


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